Fears and Phobias

Fears and Phobias
The most common phobias seen by hypnotherapists are:
- Fear of confined spaces
- Fear of dentists
- Fear of dogs
- Fear of flying
- Fear of heights
- Fear of needles
- Fear of pregnancy
- Fear of sickness
- Fear of spiders and other insects
- Fear of water
I will evaluate the severity and impact of the phobia and then use a
combination of techniques to support you in resolving it. I will also seek to
reduce the phobic response and increase your ability to stay calm when confronted with the trigger.
Fear of Flying
Do you have fear of flying? Do you dread the idea of being stuck on a plane for hours, or do you have some past experience with it? What exactly does it feel like for you?
Is there a specific time of day, or particular occasion, when your fear is most intense?
I can help. I will guide you through hypnosis to find the root cause of your fear. Once you have found what’s causing your anxiety and fear, you can choose how to deal with it and we will work as a team to achieve your goals.