Massage the Mind

When I was a teacher, I suffered from chronic stress and anxiety. I used to seek solace in the form of self -care such as booking a massage or having my nails done. This proved effective in the short term and I left happy and content for that period of time. I believed that was all I needed until I became pregnant with my daughter.

I was diagnosed with anxiety and hypertension. The midwife made it clear that this had not solely been caused by my pregnancy. It became clear that I needed to make some changes in my life. After a hellish term before my maternity leave started, my husband and I decided to book a Hypnobirthing course. This way of thinking, completely changed my life. I found myself calmer, and in control of my emotions in any situation. This was proven, when my expected water birth turned into an emergency C-section. I was calm the whole way through and found I could think clearly due to not being blinded by the anxiety and stress I experienced in the past.

This inspired me to train as a hypnotherapist. As much as I still enjoy a massage, I cannot recommend hypnotherapy more highly for a longer lasting effect whether it is for stress, anxiety, weight, phobias, giving birth and any other requirement, the changes on your life and the possibilities are endless